Monday, January 9, 2017

Baby Horse Bootcamp

Prep for RRP 2017 is underway. After much consideration, we've selected Tracey Bidwell of Allure X Equestrian as our trainer. There were three major factors that encouraged us to go with Tracey.

       1. She has a successful history across multiple disciplines - while I purchased Oliver with the intention of being a Hunter Derby prospect, he's also shown natural movement for upper level Dressage. I wanted to make sure he had a well-rounded foundation that would allow him to excel in any direction. Ps for those interested Tracey's been hugely successful with jumpers, even reiners, and barrel racers!

       2. Tracey has a love and long history of working with OTTBs. She doesn't see them as just off the track Thoroughbreds, or cheap horses, she sees them as athletes. OTTBs have their quirks, know a lot and don't know a lot at the same time. Someone familiar with them was important.

       3. She believes in ground work and general training not just under saddle. Tracey wants to build her horses confidence in themselves and trust in the rider. I believe this contributes to an all around happy, confident, enjoyable horse.

Oliver's first discovery at Tracey's - the "drive-thru" cookie window
For those interested, Tracey is based in Vanceboro, NC and you learn more about her here: Allure X Equestrian Facebook

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